MDS News

Monkey (or primate) Business with the Critter Fixer!

Dr. Bogan is seen here performing an upper GI examination of a primate called a simang. The siamang is a tailless, arboreal, black-furred gibbon native to the forests of Malaysia, Thailand, and Sumatra. The largest of the gibbons, the siamang can be twice the size of other gibbons, reaching 1 m in height, and weighing up to 14 kg. Photo courtesy of the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Sanford, FL.

Rat Snake Endoscopy

The next installment of "The Critter Fixer" is here. Dr. James Bogan at recently sent a very instersting endoscopy video of a rat snake housed at the Central Florida Zoo and Botanical Gardens in Sanford, FL. Pictured right is a Baron's racer (Philodryas baroni), also housed at the zoo. You can see the video here.

African Porcupine Dentistry

Recently, Dr. James Bogan, Jr, DVM, Dipl.ABVP (The Critter Fixer of Central Florida, LLC) was working with an African Porcupine and sent some photos of the examination, using our Multi-use Otoscope/Endoscope with the 2.7mm X 105mm shaft with 0 degree angle of view. "Thanks Dr. Bogan!"